Inglés para Informática-en
The technical English course in different computing courses is designed for those who study specialized English in the world of computers and their applications to improve specific English skills they need.
In the course we use authentic material such as extracts from technical manuals, newspaper articles, instructions from computing devices, etc., materials that our students will have access to throughout their caree.
In technical English we cover the four language skills, by performing a wide range of activities from activities designed to focus on the practice of the learned vocabulary words: from exercises in English translation of technical texts, auditions, to debates and discussions in class where students have to make their own decisions or express their opinion on the proposed topics.
Work in the English module consists in the understanding and translation of technical texts related to machines and computer components, since their proper interpretation is essential to the tasks to be performed by professionals in the sector. The working language in computing is English, after all, and this can prove to be a great difference to our students.
The ultimate goal is to understand how natural, even essential, the use of English for network technicians.
These are some of the contents:
- The workd of work. Personal and professional life
- Work in action
- Company profile
- Communication: Phone calls, letters, e-mails
- Internet and e-mail. The web
- Professional options: The labor market. Professions related to information technology.
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The program has been developed based on the Decree for the Community of Madrid 12/2010 of March 18, published in the OGCM of April 15, 2010.
In this module we begin with the learning of the industry-specific terminology and at the end of the course our goal is that our students are able to speak and write about the applications of computers today, understand the technical specifications of cameras, printers and other external devices and understand job offers from their sector or learn how to write their curriculum vitae to complete their training in English.
These are some of the contents:
- PC system. Analysis of the inside of a computer
- Mamory types and units of measure
- The ideal computer
- Type of printers. The ideal printer
- The world of work on new technologies. New Technologies
- The Web. Parts of a Website
- Trade and banking. Identity protection
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The program is based on the Decree 1/31 of the Community of Madrid, from January 13, 2011.
In this module students will learn technical English related to their professional sector, ie learn terminology and grammatical structures that will serve as basic tools to use English in different areas of their professional field. The module includes content related to web design, safety and privacy on the Internet, new technologies and different application systems.
These are some of the contents that we address in the course:
- The digital age
- The workd of work and information technology. Formal letters to apply for a job
- The web
- Graphics and design
- The desktop. Desktop Publishing
- Multimedia
- Internet Safety.
If you want to extend your training we propose this course online: